Moodle Plugin developers done a tremendously good job by updating their plugins to the latest Moodle version 4.0. The Moodle 4.0 was released on 19th April 2022 with a lot of new improvements especially on User Experience & Question Bank. Moodle plugin developers updated their plugins to get the Early Bird award for their plugins.
David Mudrak – the curator of Moodle plugins directory, announced the award of Early Bird Plugins. In total 264 plugins have received the Early Bird 4.0 Award for their compatibility with Moodle 4.0 before the release date. Out of 264 plugins, 214 plugins
The early bird award are given to the Moodle plugins if they have a tested working 4.0 compatible version available on Moodle release date. You can check out the plugins who received the award here.

However, this time the count is slightly lesser than it was for Moodle 3.9 & earlier versions. One of the reasons might be that there are major changes in Moodle core for Moodle 4.0 version.
But still it takes a great effort from all developers to keep the plugin regularly updated and maintained. We congratulate all plugin developers on putting their best efforts to update the plugins for Moodle 4.0.