{"events":[{"id":8886,"global_id":"lmsdaily.com?id=8886","global_id_lineage":["lmsdaily.com?id=8886"],"author":"1","status":"publish","date":"2024-01-08 10:12:55","date_utc":"2024-01-08 06:12:55","modified":"2024-01-08 10:12:55","modified_utc":"2024-01-08 06:12:55","url":"https:\/\/lmsdaily.com\/event\/join-moodlemoot-dach-2024-from-3-6-sep-2024-in-vienna\/","rest_url":"https:\/\/lmsdaily.com\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/8886","title":"Join MoodleMoot DACH 2024 from 3-6 Sep, 2024 in Vienna","description":"

MoodleMoot DACH 2024 will take place from 3-6 September 2024 in TUtheSky at the Vienna University of Technology. The MootDACH conference is a 4-day, open and free of charge conference for all Moodle<\/a> users, administrators, teachers, developers and pedagogues working in the university environment. The event is split into a DevCamp and a BarCamp.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

The edtech conference<\/a> will take place in English as well as German language. All attendees are welcome to share their ideas and interests already online to ensure an interactive and focused conference<\/a>.<\/p>\n

The MoodleMoot DACH 2024 will be hosted TU Wien in Vienna, Austria. The primary target groups for the MoodleMoot DACH are:<\/p>\n