Moodle Plugins allows you to customize the Moodle LMS to meet the learning requirements of your institution. Moodle can serve the learning requirements for corporates, schools, universities etc. In this post, we will see how you can use the Wordcloud Moodle plugin to engage your students.
The Wordcloud Moodle plugin can be used in Moodle course as a formative assessment tool. You can create a Wordcloud activity to test the prior knowledge of your students. You can also introduce a new topic to students and test how much they have understood. There are many other creative ways to use the Wordcloud activity in your Moodle course.
You can download the Wordcloud activity from the Moodle plugins repository here. If you are new to Moodle, please follow this guide to learn how to install a Moodle plugin.
You can simply add the activity in your Moodle course and then let your students brainstorm over the idea. You can also export the words in csv format as well as an image format.

This seems to be a pretty good plugin to break the ice among your students and let them jump start in your Moodle course. They will also feel engaged and motivated after sharing their opinion.
What are the other useful plugins you are using on your Moodle site to increase student engagement.
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